Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Interview on Digital Natives on RSR

I have been interviewed during the LIFT 2010 conference by Radio Suisse Romande (RSR) and the interview has been broadcast today as part of the Médialogues program. The episode (and the interview) is now available as a podcast on the RSR site.

Question de génération

Le multimédia à travers les âges. [podfoto / fotolia]
Le multimédia, il y a ceux qui ont vécu avant et ceux qui sont nés avec.
Connexion internet, téléphonie mobile, réseaux sociaux, abondance d'informations, comment vit-on avec suivant son âge?
Quel effet cela produit-il entre les différentes générations? Quelle est la perception de ceux   qui ont 20 ans?
Avec Julian Zbar, étudiant à l'université de Lausanne, intervenant à LIFT 2010, Vincenzo Pallotta, chercheur et professeur d'informatique à la Webster University à Genève, Gaetano Stucki, consultant nouveau médias à Cinémas Tous Ecrans et Sacha Brasseur, consultant pour le Festival du rire de Montreux.

Lift Workshop @ Webster - Lift conference

Lift Workshop @ Webster - Lift conference (18th June 2010)

Human Language Technology for the Information Society

Natural Language Processing is at the core of information technology, especially now that information is pervasive, distributed and easily accessible.
In this event we will gather researchers and professionals in the field of computational linguistics to discuss around the current challenges and implications of processing natural language for the information society.
The event is made of two parts:
1. In the morning and early afternoon, the scientific workshop DART2010
2. In the late afternoon, a panel of local researchers and professional in the field of Human Language Technology. Each panelist will give a short presentation and afterward the panel will answer question from the audience.
The full event is free of charge and it will be followed by a cocktail offered by the Webstr University Geneva.